Manfred's TR1. Discussion Boards

Old TR1 Discussion Boards (read only) >> Discussion Board 2004 >> Downpipe/header

Message started by Derek Hayes(Guest) on 11.11.04 at 23:40:00

Title: Downpipe/header
Post by Derek Hayes(Guest) on 11.11.04 at 23:40:00

Hello TR1 people.....I need a front downpipe for my 83 TR1. I have been told that this item has been discontinued. Is there an alternative part?  Thanks...Derek Hayes, Birmingham, England.

Title: Downpipe/header
Post by Lars Sandström(Guest) on 13.11.04 at 00:42:00

I'm not sure if the header is still in stock but anyway it costs a lot! In Sweden you had to pay about 300 euro for it and I think that's too much. Have one custom made i stainless stell instead!
Good luck with your projekt! Lars

Title: Downpipe/header
Post by Derek(Guest) on 12.11.04 at 22:07:00

Cheers! I'm gonna try the breakers first. If nothing good turns up by Spring then I'll see how much it costs to get one made up in stainless.

Title: Downpipe/header
Post by Erik Steen(Guest) on 29.11.04 at 12:27:00

I think the downpipe/header is the same as for the XV Virago 700 750 920 1000 1100, so it should not be to hard to get used.