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TR1 Discussion Boards >> Tips, tricks and solutions for the TR1 >> List of known modifications or upgrades

Message started by UKTR1 on 06.04.17 at 10:57:01

Title: List of known modifications or upgrades
Post by UKTR1 on 06.04.17 at 10:57:01

I have had my TR1 only for 4 weeks so this bike is very new to me, at this stage new users ask lots of questions. I have found this forum to be very good and the users very helpful, thank you.

I learnt so far of several upgrades , for instance the oil feed banjo drilling slightly bigger. And alternative 4 brush starter motor (i'm still not sure which one but I know there is one) also putting bearings for the cams. I am sure there are more.

Is there a list of the known upgrades for the TR1? Maybe it would be a good idea if someone who knows the TR1 very well to put a list of upgrades, particularly those that are a precautionary measure to prevent engine damage. Maybe such a list could be sticky at the top of the Tip and tricks page so new forum members can check if their TR1 has the modification.

Title: Re: List of known modifications or upgrades
Post by Broodjesalami on 05.02.18 at 23:32:21

Mitsuba SM13 is the new 4 brush
Mitsuba SM229 is the old 2 brush

Title: Re: List of known modifications or upgrades
Post by Gredner on 06.02.18 at 09:18:43

Using an oilpump from the xv1100 is a good idea.

Title: Re: List of known modifications or upgrades
Post by ernie8 on 07.02.18 at 11:11:06

changing to Stainless Steel Braided Brake Line KIT together with 14mm Master Cylinder (e.g. from XJ600 Diversion) is an enormous improvement of front brake System.

Title: Re: List of known modifications or upgrades
Post by nanno on 08.02.18 at 08:12:55

Guess, I'll do a quick run-down then.

* 4-Brush-starter
* (late) XV1100 starter gear (less clunky)
* (late) XV1100 starter clutch (slightly better gearing, cheaper starter clutch, clutch and corresponding gear have to be swapped out as a unit)
* swiveling valve adjusters ("Kugelkopfeinstellschrauben", for less wear on the valve ends)
* Viton valve stem seals (can be bought in the US, they are tighter and literally last forever, otherwise get OEM Yamaha stem seals, 5-6 Euros well spent)

nice engine upgrades:
* 9-disk clutch upgrade (only really necessary with a hopped engine)
* XV1100 crank, pistons and cylinders (more torque, modern mls headgaskets, oversize pistons readily available, heavier crank for max torque down low)
* XVS1100/BT1100 crank, pistons and cylinders (Nicasil plated cylinders, lighter than stock crank)
* XV750 heads (bump up the compression, smaller valves mean higher gas velocity at low rpm, leads to more torque)
* Smoothbore carbs (Sepp likes Dellortos, I like Mikuni VM38s and will try TM38s this year (those can be bought in a version, that won't require different inlet rubbers, but still some fabrication required))
* some decent stainless steel headers and mufferls(I am currently on iteration Mk.7, Sepp has got a very nice setup too, if you want a high up)

* stiffer forksprings
* steelbraided brake-hose
* 14mm brake m/c (more feel on the lever with braided brake hose, otherwise it'll feel a lot like squeezing a brick)
* different rearshock (I run an early XT600 shock on the rear, Wilbers, Hagon, Bitubo, etc. do nice aftermarket shocks)
* BT45 tyres

* You can alter the stock wiring loom to get rid of all the relays and just run it all over one automative 30A relay instead, alternatively Odin on here does custom looms with all sorts of trickery
* buy a set of spare start- and horn-buttons (the plastic will break eventually)
* re-tighten the contacts on the kill-switch as they tend to work themselves lose.
* starter can be bought via various sources, get a 4-brush if you can
* caltric does a starter-solenoid, which is a bolt-on replacement, otherwise the one from a Suzuki Samurai/SJ413/Swift can be modified to fit
* get a decent battery
* Replacement regulators can be bought via Electrexworld-UK

I may modify this post later on, if something else springs to mind.


Title: Re: List of known modifications or upgrades
Post by hornschorsch on 08.02.18 at 14:04:29

Trying to remember what has "grown" over the years...:

Front: 18 inch wheel from RD350LC, steel braided brake lines, master brake cylinder from XJ600 Diversion with 14mm plunger, Wirth fork springs, tapered roller bearings, superbike handlebar.

Rear: extended shock absorber with stronger spring. 2-3 bar air pressure are still needed.

Engine: 4 brush starter with hawker battery, swiveling valve adjusters, larger oil pump from xv1100, drilled banjo bolt on the oil lines.

Tyres: BT45, BT45 or BT45. This is probably the best improvement you can do. If all else fails, you can also use Conti road attack / classick attack.

Title: Re: List of known modifications or upgrades
Post by kdemery on 08.02.18 at 18:43:07


A little more on the oil flow to the cylinder heads.

1. Remove the oil pump and clean out the mesh filter.
2. Replace oil pump with one from an XV1100 or Bulldog. It has a larger mesh filter. (As stated above by George)
3. Drill out the banjo bolts that takes feed from the oil pump to the two oil feed pipes to the cylinder heads. Max 2.4mm. (Smaller and you don't get enough oil flow to the heads. Larger and you get too little flow to the main journals. (As stated above by George)
4. Replace the white metal cam bearings with roller bearings. Remove the plastic bearing dust cover on the inside face. They are a cheap and a direct replacement.


Title: Re: List of known modifications or upgrades
Post by Ali on 08.02.18 at 19:29:20

Just a hint to the  (very old) Tech-Info:
There you will find Tips  and solutions that  still  might be helpful,
it´s not only about modification, but there are some useful hints, especially  modifying the Front and Rear shock,

Title: Re: List of known modifications or upgrades
Post by Sepp on 08.02.18 at 21:08:15

Ali, they are hints und Kunz wanz...................bitte übasetzn.
Sepp, coming grod vom Schdammdisch.

Title: Re: List of known modifications or upgrades
Post by Ali on 09.02.18 at 07:47:37

Hints sind einfach nur Hinweise, Kunz weiss ich nicht.
hab nur geschrieben dass es ja dieses alte Technik Info gibt, wo ja nicht so ganz verkehrte Sachen stehen,

Title: Re: List of known modifications or upgrades
Post by wintsoz on 27.07.18 at 01:29:10

Hi Greg & TR 1 fans

I own  2  x  1981 xv 1000 solos and currently building a Pre 85 Sidecarcross  with a Tr 1 motor to race in Germany - Klienhau 2020.
I have found a 2010 XVS  1100 complete donor bike 9000kms for the suggested engine mods.  Is this the correct model for the Crank, Barrels,Rods, Heads .  Also do the gears clutch & starter assembly  fit the 81 Tr 1?

I see a company in USA Im interested in their x3 Cam and dual valve spring conversion & the Keihin Flat slides. Have you heard any reports about their gear?

Yes Im after 90 + HP :thumb:



Title: Re: List of known modifications or upgrades
Post by nanno on 27.07.18 at 23:06:25

Greetings Darren,

with regards to the XVS1100 parts: Yes and no. The liners are a bigger O.D. and as such the cases need to be bored out to suit or the liners turned down to fit the cases. Gearbox and clutch can be fitted to TR1 cases, but they are a different spline pattern on the clutch hub and as such you're then limited to stick with the BT/XVS parts. The starter on the XVS is inferior to what was installed on the TR1. The best starter bendix is to be found on late Virago 1100s  (the version without a spring).

The oldskool-no-hassle swap are Virago 1100 parts as they are a straight swap. Additionally those also sport a heavier crank, which might be beneficial on a sidecar.


Title: Re: List of known modifications or upgrades
Post by Sepp on 28.07.18 at 08:03:56

Hi Darren, i think with the X3 you get a problem between valves and piston in a original 1000 engine.

Title: Re: List of known modifications or upgrades
Post by Piddy on 14.04.24 at 07:35:03

I have just purchased original oil filter.  I notice the old filter had a slot in it and the new one different (no slot) I looked at it and cut a slot on supply side to make it fit...anyone heard of this ?

Title: Re: List of known modifications or upgrades
Post by hornschorsch on 14.04.24 at 12:58:31

This is no known modification or update, thus wrong thread... ;-) Can you post a picture of the filter with the slot? The filter fits without cutting slots into it, provided that you mount it the right way. The opening belongs to the outside. Stick it on a finger and then put it into the housing, then it´s right.