Manfred's TR1. Discussion Boards TR1 Discussion Boards >> General technical TR1 discussions >> Starting issue Message started by Tritonkev on 13.11.23 at 20:13:41 |
Title: Starting issue Post by Tritonkev on 13.11.23 at 20:13:41
OK the bike has been laid up for 20 years with i now suspect was down to this issue The engine would turn over slowly with the plugs in and spin quite nicely with the plugs out while using an old car battery I bought a new battery today and tried to start it but now with the extra cranking power something is slipping I suspect either the starter clutch or the ring gear in the motor My question is is possible to fix the ring gear by drilling and tapping a couple of set screws can I do this with the motor in place ? I would like to start the engine first to see if its OK before I invest a lot of time and effort |
Title: Re: Starting issue Post by hornschorsch on 14.11.23 at 09:58:14 Quote:
Should be possible but mostly its the starter clutch. Quote:
Did you clean the carbs and tank and filled in fresh fuel? Otherwise i dont believe it will start after 20 years... |
Title: Re: Starting issue Post by Tritonkev on 14.11.23 at 17:55:31
Title: Re: Starting issue Post by Tritonkev on 14.11.23 at 18:00:59
Hoping the picture comes out
![]() |
Title: Re: Starting issue Post by Tritonkev on 14.11.23 at 18:04:30
I am thinking that with welded up starter clutch this has made the ring gear in the starter spin as the ring gear just fell out if I use loctite 638 would this hold it?
Title: Re: Starting issue Post by BSchneider2000 on 15.11.23 at 10:27:15
Hallo Tritonkev, ich würde das nicht tun. Sie machen mehr kaputt, als das es hilfreich wäre. Einen neuen Anlasserfreilauf bekommen sie schon für 30€ im WWW. (Auf die richtige Zähnezahl achten !!) Wenn sie verschweißen oder kleben, und es geht schief, habe sie mehr Schaden als 30€. Von welchem Zahnkranz sprechen sie ?? Vom Planetengetriebe im Anlassermotor ? Wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, wird dieser Zahnkranz nur durch Pressung beim Zusammenbau gehalten. Wenn diese Presskraft nicht reichen sollte, kann man einen dünnen Blechring (0,3mm) zusätzlich einlegen und dann verschrauben. Reinigen sie vor dem Zusammenbau alles von Fett und Öl, und fetten sie dann nur die Teile die es benötigen. Grüße Brunó 8-) ![]() |
Title: Re: Starting issue Post by hornschorsch on 15.11.23 at 12:33:37 Tritonkev wrote:
Perhaps this will work, otherwise drill a hole into the housing and fix the ring with a set screw. |
Title: Re: Starting issue Post by nanno on 15.11.23 at 17:04:31
Later/aftermarket versions of this starter have the ring-gear keyed in place either with a roll-pin or an actual key. Regarding removal: if you take the two long M5/M6 bolts out which hold the whole starter assembly together you can split the starter right at the planetary gear. Cheers, Greg |
Title: Re: Starting issue Post by Tritonkev on 15.11.23 at 19:05:34
Thank you all I've ordered a new starter clutch and I will peg the ring gear
Title: Re: Starting issue Post by hornschorsch on 16.11.23 at 10:00:27
You can just keep the welded clutch. The new one will start to slip at some time and then you have to weld it again or buy a new one every few years.
Title: Re: Starting issue Post by claude-25 on 16.11.23 at 10:47:50
I made a file on starter repair methods but it is impossible for me to attach it Sorry :-/ |
Title: Re: Starting issue Post by Tritonkev on 17.11.23 at 17:44:35
I've fixed the starter If I use the welded up starter clutch surely it will end up damaging the starter or else why have a one way starter clutch in the first place |
Title: Re: Starting issue Post by Tritonkev on 17.11.23 at 17:45:14
Thanks anyway
Title: Re: Starting issue Post by hornschorsch on 17.11.23 at 20:00:11
How did you fix the slipping ring?
Title: Re: Starting issue Post by BSchneider2000 on 17.11.23 at 22:51:54
Hi Tritonkev, Tritonkev wrote:
How long do you think the small planetary gear will last when the engine starts (with only 10 hp) and you don't take your fingers away from the start switch quickly enough? Now you were lucky that the ring gear came loose and turned. A new planetary gearbox costs around €180, a starter certainly more. .....but you have already ordered a new freewheel. :thumb: Greetings Was denken sie, wie lange hält das kleine Planetengetriebe, wenn der Motor anspringt (mit nur 10 PS) und sie den Fingern nicht schnell genug vom Starterknopf weg nehmen ?? Sie hatten jetzt Glück, das sich der Zahnkranz löste und sich gedreht hat. Ein neues Planetengetriebe kostet ca.180€, ein Anlasser sicher mehr. .....aber sie haben ja bereits einen neuen Freilauf bestellt. :thumb: Grüße Brunó 8-) |
Title: Re: Starting issue Post by Tritonkev on 18.11.23 at 10:20:29
I fixed the ring gear with 4 x 5mm set screws and a little lock tight