Manfred's TR1. Discussion Boards Old TR1 Discussion Boards (read only) >> Discussion Board 2002 >> Welcome to the new TR1 Discussion Board 2002 Message started by Manfred(Guest) on 31.01.01 at 17:30:00 |
Title: Welcome to the new TR1 Discussion Board 2002 Post by Manfred(Guest) on 31.01.01 at 17:30:00
Hi, as last year, i'll start a new Discussion Board due to the size of the recent one. Just click on "TR1 Discussion Board 2001" or "2000" to access the old messages. Posting of new articles to the old boards is disabled, while replys are still allowed! Happy posting! Manfred |
Title: Welcome to the new TR1 Discussion Board 2002 Post by David(Guest) on 02.03.03 at 05:31:00
I hAVE A 1983 Nissan Datsun and I rebuilt the original carburetor and put it back together but obviously did something wrong because it wants to runa t a screaming 4,500 rpm. The secondary choke plate is open and I don't think it is supposed to be when it is at idle. When I tore down the carburetor I didn't know that you had these like ball bearings or beebees that are in them. I don't think I put all of them back in the right place. I need a schematic or picture diagram of everything. Thanks for any help.