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Treffen/Rally 2020 - canceled!! (Read 21004 times)
TR1 Board Extraterrestrial Member

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Re: Treffen/Rally 2020
Reply #30 - 16.05.20 at 11:01:25
Hi Wolfgang, ich verstehe es wie gesagt auch nicht, was dieser Plan B bringen soll.

Roberto, we do not really understand how your solution B should work. Why should we go to a campground at Lido di Jesolo? Will the campground, that you originally wanted to use for the rally, stil be closed in august?

Please give us some more information. We would be disappointed if there was no rally 2020?

If all else fails i would try to organize something in germany in the eifel.



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Re: Treffen/Rally 2020
Reply #31 - 20.05.20 at 23:47:33
Ciao Wolfgang,
tranquillo, il piano B era solo una soluzione alternativa ma, notizia di oggi sembra che dalla prima settimana di giugno si possa circolare in tutta Italia e spero che aprano anche le frontiere di Europa.
I numeri del Covid19 a Treviso stanno calando molto ed oggi a Treviso c'è solo 1 malato in terapia intensiva !
Ieri si sono riaperti anche i mercati settimanali della città e bar, ristoranti e molte attività, il resto dopo il 2 giugno.
Sembra quindi che tutto stia procedendo bene e quindi il Rally 2020 si svolgerà a Quinto di Treviso come scritto in precedenza.
Tranquilli tutti, vi aggiornerò meglio tra 2 settimane, scaldate i motori.
A presto

P.S. Mi sono fatto un regalo, ho trovato la gemella "diversa" del mio TR1, una Venture XVZ1200 del 1985, yabadabayouuuu

Hi Wolfgang,
quiet, plan B was only an alternative solution but, news today it seems that from the first week of June it can circulate throughout Italy and I hope that the borders of Europe will also open.
The numbers of Covid19 in Treviso are decreasing a lot and today in Treviso there is only 1 patient in intensive care!
The city's weekly markets and bars, restaurants and many activities reopened yesterday, the rest after 2 June.
It therefore seems that everything is going well and therefore the Rally 2020 will take place in Quinto di Treviso as previously written.
Don't worry everyone, I will update you better in 2 weeks, warm up the engines.
See you soon

P.S. I gave myself a present, I found the "different" twin of my TR1, a Venture XVZ1200 from 1985, yabadabayouuuu

 venture_xvz1200.jpg     Picture below may be scaled. Click link or picture for original size Click here for all attachments  

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TR1 Board Newbie

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Re: Treffen/Rally 2020
Reply #32 - 06.06.20 at 22:18:41
Helaas heb ik moeten besluiten om niet naar het treffen in Treviso te gaan in verband met het risico van het Corona virus.
Vind dit erg jammer, het is niet anders.
Zijn er nog steeds plannen voor een alternatief treffen in bijvoorbeeld de Eiffel?
In ieder geval allen tot ziens in Zieuwent in 2021.


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TR1 Board Full Member

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Re: Treffen/Rally 2020
Reply #33 - 16.06.20 at 23:09:50
Hallo in die Runde

Natascha und ich haben beschlossen doch zum Treffen zu kommen.  Smiley

Bis August dann & bleibt gesund

Grüsse aus Bonn


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TR1 Board Senior Member

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Re: Treffen/Rally 2020
Reply #34 - 30.06.20 at 21:16:52

I am still hoping to go. At the moment I can't even travel into France. I need written confirmation that I live in France or work there. I think I may have to plan my route so that I have a corridor of countries that I can pass through. For example, my natural first stop would be at Walschbronn. I would need to travel through France, Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany then back into France. If all of these countries don't align their travel permissions I will need to change my route and that's just the first day!

If, a rally is organised in the Eiffel can you ensure it is not on the same dates as Roberto's rally? I have two reasons for the request. The first is it might deter riders from going to Roberto's rally. Secondly, I may be able to go to both rallys.

I hope a rally can go ahead  this year.

All the best.


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TR1 Board Extraterrestrial Member

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Re: Treffen/Rally 2020
Reply #35 - 01.07.20 at 13:43:32

da Roberto geschrieben hat dass das Treffen stattfindet, habe ich den Plan, einen Ausweichtermin in der Eifel zu bekommen, nicht weiter verfolgt. Ich bin aber unsicher ob ich nach Italien fahren will, nicht wegen Corona aber es ist 900 km zu fahren und sehr heiss dort. Annemiek fährt definitiv nicht mit. Normalerweise hätten wir anschliessend Urlaub gemacht, dann lohnt sich die Anfahrt wenigstens. Aber wegen 2 Tagen Treffen bei dera Hitz 4 Tage fahren ist mir zu arg.

Ich habe auch mit ein paar Leuten telefoniert (Ali, Bergmann, Willi) und die sind alle unentschlossen oder wollen nicht hinfahren. Vor allem wurde beklagt, dass Roberto hier garnicht mitschreibt und uns auf dem Laufenden hält, ob es stattfindet, wer alles kommt. ob Duschen vor Ort sind usw.

Kevin, i have been at Herberts and Heikes house on sunday, but they were not at home.



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Re: Treffen/Rally 2020
Reply #36 - 01.07.20 at 19:56:32
We still live here welcoming any TR1 driver that comes along. Aber Sonntag waren wir selbst auf einer kleinen Feier mit dem Gemeinderat (wegen der gewonnenen Wahl hi hi ).
Also ihr habt recht wegen der Unsicherheit bezüglich des Treffens. Wenn es irgendwie geht fahren wir (Christian, Ali und ich ) auch nach Italien oder einfach nur ins Vercors zum Motocamp.
Also bleibt gesund und ich bin sicher wir sehen uns alle wieder.
Cheerio Kevin hope to see you this year on this place.

Grüße aus Walschbronn


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Re: Treffen/Rally 2020
Reply #37 - 01.07.20 at 22:42:34
Ich habe Roberto gebeten öfter hier mitzulesen...


Don't ask me anything technical about the TR1!
I'm the computer guy, not the mechanic!
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TR1 Board Extraterrestrial Member

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Re: Treffen/Rally 2020
Reply #38 - 01.07.20 at 23:02:51
Quote from redblueshouse on 01.07.20 at 19:56:32:
We still live here welcoming any TR1 driver that comes along.

So you just didn´t open the door because i was there with my RD350? Wink



Fahrt so schnell ihr könnt, so lange ihr noch könnt!
(Uli Peil im XJ-Forum)

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TR1 Board God Member

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Re: Treffen/Rally 2020
Reply #39 - 02.07.20 at 12:35:45

wenn uns unsere bzw. die Regierungen von Osterlitsch und Italien nicht einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen, fahren Hannomag, Christian und ich nach Treviso.
Treffen ist schließlich Treffen. Wir sehen uns !

Gruß + munter

T GrinM


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