Arrow Hi there folks!

Its finally at the time, we have made it: the "TR1 Info-Pages" are finally ready:
these pages are for all those that don't dream the technical details in their sleep,
but would like to look up this and that now and then.
Initiating on Info Nr. 1 and Info Nr. 2 we have tried to reproduce 
and collect all our experience in many hundreds of thousands of TR1-kilometers
as well as many problems we have encountered on the way. 
With some of the attached excerpts from technical manuals 
we aim to assist all those that do not call a TR1 manual their own 
(an unthinkable state, yes, but we've heard of it).

Naturally we do not take liability for these reprints.
Sepp Koch will try to assist whenever necessary (except late at night) 
Sepp's adress can be found in the drivers list.

Improvements, annotations and whatever comment

to our pages are also highly apreciated.

..and now lets go in...

Valve Clearance