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gearbox lever - sloppy (Read 3259 times)
Lars Sandström(Guest)
Ex Member
gearbox lever - sloppy
18.09.04 at 08:44:00
I think a spring in the gearbox has broken. The gearbox lever is sloppy and doesn't return to it's ordinary position. I can shift gears if i fiddle a lot with the lever so the gears seems all right. Is the spring situated inside the crancases?? I wonder if I have to split the engine in order to repair this?
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Georg Horn(Guest)
Ex Member
gearbox lever - sloppy
Reply #1 -
19.09.04 at 00:10:00
is what you are looking for. Number 4 should be the spring that returns the lever into the center position after shifting. Perhaps you can replace it after removing the left side engine cover.
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Lars Sandström(Guest)
Ex Member
gearbox lever - sloppy
Reply #2 -
19.09.04 at 00:52:00
Yes! I seems possible! I can see here:
that the shifter can be removed if you remove the left side engine cover as you said. The spring comes out together with the shifter. Many thanks George! I should remove the cover anyway to change the o-ring for the starter engine (it leaks oil there).
In the mean time I can drive with #2 (the red TR1 from 83,
) so all is fine!
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Lars Sandström(Guest)
Ex Member
gearbox lever - sloppy
Reply #3 -
23.09.04 at 10:50:00
Took off the left side engine cover and the spring looked allright! When I pushed at it with my finger it fell apart! Now I'm searching for a new one or maybe I'll make a new spring from scratch.
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Pages: 1
Manfred's TR1. Discussion Boards
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Discussion Board 2004
Vergaser, wer weiß noch was?
Verdiente Medienpräsenz
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