Just my thoughts: you could try your new engine without oilcooling-modifications and measure the temperature with something like shown on the picture. If there is no need to cool the oil, its fine. Otherwise you can modify something, which is always a bit risky (Try and error, but an error may be expensive). I have BT barrels without this iron-casting (i hope this is the expression) inside, just aluminium with nikasil-surface. It transports the heat much better to the outer side. Also JE-Pistons with a higher compression, BT-crank and rods, and Camshafts from Sepp. 15 min. on a racetrack , driving "digitally", meaning only full throttle/full break, is OK. 30 min. is a bit much, its getting considerably hot. Outside temperature plays a big role, Revs more than 5500-6000 for a longer time also. If the compression is high, more than 10-11 to 1, it will produce much more heat. Just watch it, and please tell us how your engine works, Ali P.S.: opening up the exhaust port in head is helpful, downpipes with a bigger diameter also, and i made a "Radius " to the edge of the Exhaust valve for less resistance to get rid of the hot gases more fast