Harry Spruit(Guest)
Ex Member
Francoise, Excusez pour repondre en anglais. Ma commande de la langue Francais n'est pas suffisante pour ecrir qc. Well, in English then, I just read a story about the starter of the XV 1100. The problem actually concerns the whole V-twin series of this type, including TR1 and all XV's from 750 up to 1100. It was an article in "das Motorrad" from 3. August 1996. There are three different problems with the starter. Problem nr. 1: when you press the button the starter motor turns idle without noise. Only the starter motor turns and nothing else. Cause: defective freewheel clutch. Action: mount a modified starter freewheel, order nr. 3LP-15570-00 Problem nr. 2: when you press the button the stater motor runs idle, but makes a shrieking sound. Cause: the slip-action clutch in the planetairy gear of the starter has been worn out. Action: change the planetairy gear or the complete starter motor. Problem nr. 3: whne pushing the button, the engine turns partly with a rattling noise. Cause: the "bendix gear" doesn't come in completely. Action: build in extra bushes, the increase the pre load en change the shifternut for a modified one. the angle of the teeth of the shifter nut have been chaged on the modified ones, Order nr. 3LP-W1551-00. There is probably some more knowledge on this list, because it is a very common problen to all TR1's and XV's. I understood that you are about to sell your TR1 or did I misinterprete the French language. My son may be interested to buy a TR1. so if you really are going to sell it, please let my know some details. (in English, German or dutch, if you can) Harry Spruit smurf@wxs.nl