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Last search index update: Aug 29th, 2024 at 13:37 (7.774 documents with 118.336 unique words)


All content of is fully indexed and can be searched. Also the readable text (not text as a picture) content from all PDF files.
The search index will usually be updated every 2-4 weeks.

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Vergaser   Chain   Virago   Tips   Anlasser   Sepp   Auspuff   Kolben   Yamaha   Umbau   Rally   Zylinder   Motor   Reifen   Einstellen   Starter   Auspuffanlage   Forum   Xv   Oil   Tr1   Xv750   Register   Mikuni   Gabel   Federbein   Bike   Board   

47.203 searches evaluated. Last search Oct 3rd, 2024 at 17:13. 4.841 unique search words found (filtered for 1.874 English/German stopwords). 28 most frequent search terms shown above.




Type in one or more words into the search field and click "Search" (or press Return). If "All given words" is selected, only those documents are returned which contain all of your search terms. With "At least one given word" all documents are returned which contain at least one of your search terms. Alternatively you can put a plus sign (+) directly in front of one or more words to only get those files which include all of those words. Words with a minus (-) sign directly in front of them change the result so that only documents are listed which don't contain any of those words.

The results are ordered by relevance with the most relevant documents listed first. Relevance depends on the number and position of matched words in the documents.

If you display a target page, the found terms are highlighted to easier locate them.


Phrase searches are not supported, i.e. it doesn't make sense to put quotes around your query "like this".