Sign in to the TR1 riders list | 🛑 | 


Please enter or modify your data below and then click the submit button!


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Last name (required)Enter your last name here.
First name (required)Enter your first name here.
Picture of yourself (optional)
Allowed are 'jpg' & 'gif & 'png'.
≤ 300.000 bytes, 1.024x1.024 px!
Hometown (required)Enter the name of your
hometown here.
Hometown URL (optional)Enter the URL to your
hometown here.
Country (required)Enter your country here.
Please write it in English!
Phone numbers (optional)Enter your phone numbers here.
Please include country code!
1st Mail (required)Enter your first mail
address here.
2nd Mail (optional)Enter your second mail
address here.
1st Web (optional)Enter your first
homepage URL here.
2nd Web (optional)Enter your second
homepage URL here.
Picture of bike (optional)
Allowed are 'jpg' & 'gif & 'png'.
≤ 300.000 bytes, 1.024x1.024 px!
More info (optional)Please enter some information
about you and your bike!

Please do not use relative
dates (e.g. 'two month ago')!

You have to read and accept the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy before submitting your riders list entry!

This riders list is protected by Google reCAPTCHA v3. The Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
If you encounter an error or can not make an entry to the riders list, please send me a mail!