Previous news from 2000-2001 | 🛑 | 


Date News (all links are removed since they most likely are outdated)
31.12.2001 As every year, I start a new Discussion Board. Due to the reached number of entries, I also start a new Trading Board. Added the last two pages of the recent Bulldog BT1100 test-report to the Press section. Added four pictures from the rallys in Schotten. Check the Rally section ("old"). Added a (very) short story to the pictures of the rally 2001. Check the Rally section (year 2001).
26.11.2001 !! IMPORTANT !! The decision about Most has been taken! The next (and just the next) TR1 Rally will take place in Most / Czechian Republic. Please stay tuned for more information at the Rally section.
21.10.2001 Started a discussion if we should have the Rally 2002 in Most / Czechian Republic, together with a oldtimer racing-event. Check the Rally section (year 2002) for more information.
20.10.2001 Added some more pictures of this' year rally.
03.10.2001 Added several old TR1 related articles to the Press section: "mo Testjahrbuch 1983", "Mopped Jahresheft 1998". Thanks again to Wilfried Voß.
01.10.2001 Added a brand new article from the German magazine "MO" about Sepp Koch's Yamton TR1. See the Press section.
30.09.2001 Added a Guestbook. It would be very nice if every visitor of this site would make an entry there. Thanks!
22.09.2001 Added a new MO article to the Press section. In a special issue from 1991, information's on used TR1's are given. Many thanks to Wilfried Voß for the scans.
Today the leaders of the European Community has also asked to think on the victims of terror for some moments. I follow this wish as well!
In respect of the inexpressible harm that has been created with the terrorist attack in the USA, I followed the appeal of the German government and the trade unions for a moment of silence, and took my website off the net today for a short time as a sign against *all* terrorism in the world!
02.09.2001 Got the first picture of the Rally 2001.
04.08.2001 Eppo from the Netherlands sent me some great art-pictures around the TR1. Check the Stories section.
21.07.2001 The following relates to Germany only:
Tony Mai ist Organisator einer Aktion gegen die geplante Steuererhöhung für Motorräder. Ihr könnt mitmachen unter folgender Internetadresse: (Link ist tot! 18.06.2003). Johannes Springer sent a funny picture showing a TR1 driver during a X-ray session... Thanks! Btw, did you ever click on the engine at the entry- page of Added a link to a site where microfiches for TR1 and other XV-models can be ordered to the Info section. Thanks to Peter Landman!
09.06.2001 Added the description of how to add a shim to the starter and eliminate many problems. Check the Info section. Many thanks to Eppo Karsijns from Holland for this.
01.05.2001 Found the article of the first introduction of the TR1 in the German magazine Motorrad. Check the Press section.
25.04.2001 Added new pictures to the Gallery.
21.04.2001 Added some information about the upcoming attractions at our "20 Years TR1" Rally this year.
19.04.2001 The sticker for the rally 2001 is done. Check the Rallys section to see our artwork. Added some pictures of reworked TR1's from the German Yamaha XV book to the Gallery.
17.04.2001 Added the final pictures of Sepp Koch's Scrambler. Check Sepp's Services page for the pics.
11.04.2001 Re-arranged the entry page and added some links to other German biker-portals.
03.04.2001 Added several new drivers to the Drivers list and a new link to Sites section. If someone would like to link "" on his site,
please always use this banner-URL:
14.03.2001 All auto-translations of all Discussion Board articles are working again. You might have to do a reload on each entry!
10.03.2001 Added a picture of a TR1 based dragster to the Gallery.
04.03.2001 Sepp Koch starts a new professional TR1 repair, rebuild, tune, enhance ... service. Check the Info section for more information about this.
21.01.2001 Added a page with the story of development and background information of the "Road Creature". Check the Stories section.
07.01.2001 Added a link to Jochen Trappmann's business in the Info section.
02.01.2001 Added two new search-buttons to the Discussion Board main page. The new functions are "search messages from current month" and "search messages from previous month".
01.01.2001 Started a new Discussion Board for 2001. All messages from 2000 have been saved in a extra page. You are able to reply to those messages, but I'd say a new message on the new page is the better idea. It's not possible to post new messages for the old 2000 forum.
18.12.2000 Added a new article from the German magazine "Motorrad" (23/2000) to the Press section and a nice TR1 from Hungary to the Gallery. A few days ago, I got a plastic-model for my recent birthday. It's a bike from one of the German "Werner" comics. It's called "Satte Literschüssel". It has been built in reality as well.
10.12.2000 Added a new picture to the Gallery and a new text to the Stories section.
26.11.2000 Added Sepp Koch's new Scrambler to the Gallery.
01.11.2000 Added many old & new articles in the Press section. Many thanks to Sepp Koch for providing me all the old magazines.
12.10.2000 Added an article from the German "MO" magazine about Sepp Koch's YamTon TR1 in the Press section.
10.10.2000 Created two new information sections. The Press and the Stories section. Check them out! Added a new article from the U.K. magazine Classic Bike about a Virago engine in a Featherbed frame (similar to Sepp's one).
09.10.2000 Added information about a U.K. stainless steel exhaust manufacturer. See the table at the end of the Info section.
08.10.2000 Added pictures and descriptions of this' year racing events where Sepp Koch attended. Check the Racing section for details.
18.09.2000 Added more pictures from this year's rally. Added a link to TR1 driver in Thailand in the Sites section. New pictures in the Gallery. And a great text, no it's a "Homage towards a TR1" from Artioli Davide. I need to create a own section for such things :-)
28.08.2000 Added scans of an TR1 article of the Australian magazine "Two Wheels" at the end of the Info section. Thanks to Dave Reid.
20.08.2000 Added some text about the Millennium Rally Re-arranged the Racing section.
18.08.2000 Added a link to the famous MC Häfale Europe. Check the Sites section for more infos.
16.08.2000 Added more than 130 pictures from the 2000 Millennium Rally. Thanks to Heiner Häfale.
11.08.2000 I got the request to make the background music available for download.
16.07.2000 Added French invitation to the Millennium Rally. Thanks to Piet Kottas for the translation.
15.07.2000 Released this' year sticker. Check year 2000 at the Rallys section.
16.06.2000 Added statistic information about this site here on the news page.
13.06.2000 Updated all old messages as well. So all messages can now be translated from German to English and vice versa.
10.06.2000 From today on, all new messages posted to one of the three Discussion Boards, can now be translated from German to English and vice versa.
07.06.2000 Added three more pictures to the Racing section from the 1999 race event in Most, Czechian Republic, organized by Grab-the-Flag.
28.05.2000 Updated the Drivers section.
30.04.2000 Added some scanned pages from old German bike magazines to the end of the Info section.
29.04.2000 Removed the Windows NT links page and created this "News" page, since this is a pure Yamaha TR1 site.
28.04.2000 I moved the site away from Cybernet. It's now hosted at my company, Linux Information Systems AG. The site is now Linux powered!