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Complete XV750SE/XV1000(TR1) service manuals and XV1000 owners manual
Here you find all pages from the XV750SE (5G5) service manual (410 pages), the XV1000/TR1 (5A8) service manual (118 pages) and the XV1000/TR1 (5A8) owners manual (259 pages). There is no single manual just for the TR1/XV1000. To have all required information, you need to combine the XV750SE and the XV1000 manual. The XV1000 manual is just a supplement!
Other manuals: XV1000 Virago (2AE) service manual (346 pages). XV700 (42W/42X) XV750 (3AL/3CM) XV1000 (42G/42H) XV1100 (1TE/1TA) Virago service manual (415 pages). If you have more manuals, for example for the XV1000SE Midnight Special (23W) please send them to me.

XV750SE service manual
Main Index [Top of page] | 0‑a | |
Introduction | 0‑b | 0‑c | 0‑d | |
General Information | 1‑a | |
Periodic Inspections and Adjustments | 2‑a | 2‑b | |
Engine Overhaul | 3‑a | 3‑b | |
Carburetion | 4‑a | |
Chassis | 5‑a | 5‑b | |
Electrical System | 6‑a | 6‑b | |
Appendices | 7‑a | |
General Information [Top of page] | 1‑a | |
Motorcycle Identification | (A) Frame Serial Number | 1‑1 |
(B) Engine Serial Number | 1‑2 | |
Special Tools | 1‑2 | |
(A) For Tune-up | 1‑3 | |
(B) For Engine Service | 1‑3 | 1‑4 | 1‑5 | 1‑6 | 1‑7 | 1‑8 | 1‑9 | |
(C) For Shaft Drive Service | 1‑10 | 1‑11 | 1‑12 | 1‑13 | 1‑14 | 1‑15 | 1‑16 | |
(D) For Cassis Service | 1‑17 | |
(E) For Electrical Components | 1‑18 | |
Periodic Inspections and Adjustments [Top of page] | 2‑a | 2‑b | |
Introduction | 2‑1 | |
Maintenance Interval Charts | 2‑1 | 2‑2 | |
[French] | 2‑3 | 2‑4 | |
[German] Maintenance Interval Charts | 2‑5 | 2‑6 | |
Engine | (A) Valve Clearance | 2‑7 | 2‑8 | 2‑9 |
(B) Spark Plug | 2‑10 | |
(C) Crankcase Ventilation System | 2‑11 | |
(D) Fuel Line | 2‑11 | |
(E) Exhaust System | 2‑11 | |
(F) Carburetor Synchronization | 2‑11 | 2‑12 | 2‑13 | |
(G) Idle Speed | 2‑14 | |
(H) Engine Oil | 2‑15 | 2‑16 | 2‑17 | 2‑18 | |
(I) Clutch Adjustment | 2‑19 | 2‑20 | |
(J) Checking Ignition Timing | 2‑21 | |
(K) Compression Pressure Measurements | 2‑22 | 2‑23 | |
Chassis | (A) Final Gear Oil | 2‑24 |
(B) Air Filter | 2‑25 | |
(C) Front and Rear Brake | 2‑26 | 2‑27 | 2‑28 | |
(D) Cable Inspection and Lubrication | 2‑29 | |
(E) Brake, Change Pedals, Clutch Levers | 2‑30 | |
(F) Centerstand and Sidestand | 2‑30 | |
(G) Front Fork Oil Change | 2‑30 | 2‑31 | 2‑32 | 2‑33 | |
(H) Front Fork and Rear Shock Absorber Adjustment | 2‑34 | 2‑35 | 2‑36 | 2‑37 | |
(I) Steering Head Adjustment | 2‑38 | 2‑39 | |
(J) Wheel Bearings | 2‑40 | |
(K) Fuel Cock | 2‑41 | |
(L) Tires and Aluminum Wheels | 2‑42 | 2‑43 | 2‑44 | |
Electrical | (A) Battery | 2‑45 | 2‑46 |
(B) Headlight | 2‑47 | 2‑48 | |
(C) Fuse | 2‑49 | |
Engine Overhaul [Top of page] | 3‑a | 3‑b | |
Engine Removal | (A) Preparation for Removal | 3‑1 |
(B) Seat and Fuel Tank Removal | 3‑2 | |
(C) Air Filter | 3‑2 | |
(D) Battery | 3‑3 | |
(E) Exhaust Pipes and Muffler | 3‑3 | |
(F) Brake Pedal, Footpegs and Muffler Brackets | 3‑4 | |
(G) Wires, Cables and Sidestand | 3‑5 | |
(H) Engine Removal | 3‑6 | |
Engine Disassembly | (A) Mixture Control Valve, Ignition Coils, Carburetors | 3‑7 |
(B) Cylinder and Cylinder Head | 3‑8 | 3‑9 | 3‑10 | |
(C) Piston Pin and Piston | 3‑11 | |
(D) Crankcase Covers, Starter Drive, Starter Motor | 3‑12 | |
(E) Timing Gears | 3‑13 | |
(F) Flywheel | 3‑14 | 3‑15 | |
(G) Clutch and Primary Gears | 3‑16 | 3‑17 | |
(H) Shifter | 3‑18 | |
(I) Oil Pump | 3‑18 | |
(J) Crankcase | 3‑19 | 3‑20 | 3‑21 | |
Inspection and Repair | (A) Cylinder Head | 3‑22 |
(B) Valves, Valve Guides, Valve Seats, Valve Springs | 3‑23 | 3‑24 | 3‑25 | 3‑26 | 3‑27 | 3‑28 | 3‑29 | 3‑30 | 3‑31 | 3‑32 | 3‑33 | 3‑34 | 3‑35 | |
(C) Rocker Arms and Rocker Arm Shafts | 3‑36 | |
(D) Camshafts, Cam Chains and Cam Sprockets | 3‑37 | 3‑38 | |
(E) Cylinder | 3‑39 | |
(F) Piston and Piston Rings | 3‑40 | 3‑41 | 3‑42 | 3‑43 | |
(G) Crankshaft and Connection Rod | 3‑44 | 3‑45 | 3‑46 | 3‑47 | |
(H) Oil Pump | 3‑48 | |
(I) Primary Drive | 3‑49 | |
(J) Clutch | 3‑50 | 3‑51 | 3‑52 | |
(K) Transmission | 3‑53 | 3‑54 | |
(L) Starter | 3‑55 | |
(M) Crankcase | 3‑56 | |
(N) Bearings and Oil Seals | 3‑57 | 3‑58 | |
Engine Assembly and Adjustment | (A) Important Information | 3‑59 | 3‑60 |
(B) Left-Side Crankcase | 3‑61 | 3‑62 | 3‑63 | 3‑64 | 3‑65 | 3‑66 | 3‑67 | 3‑68 | 3‑69 | |
(C) Right-Side Crankcase | 3‑70 | 3‑71 | |
(D) Crankcase Assembly | 3‑72 | 3‑73 | |
(E) Oil Pump | 3‑74 | 3‑75 | |
(F) Shifter | 3‑76 | 3‑77 | |
(G) Primary Gears and Clutch | 3‑78 | 3‑79 | 3‑80 | 3‑81 | 3‑82 | 3‑83 | |
(H) Flywheel | 3‑84 | 3‑85 | 3‑86 | |
(I) Timing Gears | 3‑87 | 3‑88 | 3‑89 | 3‑90 | 3‑91 | |
(J) Starter Motor, Starter Drive, Crankcase Cover | 3‑92 | 3‑93 | 3‑94 | 3‑95 | 3‑96 | |
(K) Pistons, Cam Chain Guides and Cylinders | 3‑97 | 3‑98 | 3‑99 | 3‑100 | |
(L) Cylinder Head, Rocker Arm and Camshaft | 3‑101 | 3‑102 | 3‑103 | 3‑104 | 3‑105 | 3‑106 | 3‑107 | 3‑108 | 3‑109 | 3‑110 | 3‑111 | 3‑112 | 3‑113 | |
(M) Carburetors, Ignition Coils, Mixture Control Valve | 3‑114 | 3‑115 | |
(N) Mounting the Engine | 3‑116 | 3‑117 | 3‑118 | 3‑119 | 3‑120 | 3‑121 | 3‑122 | 3‑123 | |
Middle Gear Service | 3‑124 | |
(A) Gear Lash Adjustment | 3‑125 | |
(B) Removal | 3‑126 | |
(C) Disassembly | 3‑126 | 3‑127 | 3‑128 | |
(D) Inspection | 3‑129 | |
(E) Assembly and Adjustment | 3‑129 | 3‑130 | 3‑131 | 3‑132 | 3‑133 | 3‑134 | 3‑135 | 3‑136 | 3‑137 | |
Carburetion [Top of page] | 4‑a | |
Carburetor | 4‑1 | |
(A) Section View | 4‑2 | |
(B) Specifications | 4‑2 | |
(C) Disassembly | 4‑3 | 4‑4 | 4‑5 | |
(D) Inspection | 4‑6 | |
(E) Assembly | 4‑7 | |
(F) Adjustment | 4‑7 | 4‑8 | 4‑9 | |
Air Cleaner, Crankcase Ventilation System | 4‑10 | |
Mixture Control Valve | (A) Vacuum Line Routing | 4‑11 |
(B) Inspection | 4‑11 | 4‑12 | |
Chassis [Top of page] | 5‑a | 5‑b | |
Front Wheel | (A) Removal | 5‑1 |
(B) Front Axle Inspection | 5‑2 | |
(C) Front Wheel Inspection | 5‑2 | |
(D) Replacing the Wheel Bearings | 5‑3 | |
(E) Installing the Front Wheel | 5‑4 | |
Rear Wheel | (A) Removal | 5‑5 |
(B) Checking Brake Shoe Wear | 5‑6 | |
(C) Brake Drum | 5‑7 | |
(D) Brake Shoe Plate | 5‑7 | |
(E) Rear Axle Inspection | 5‑8 | |
(F) Replacing the Wheel Bearings | 5‑8 | |
(G) Rear Wheel Inspection | 5‑8 | |
(H) Installing the Rear Wheel | 5‑8 | |
Front Brake | 5‑9 | |
(A) Brake Pad Replacement | 5‑10 | |
(B) Caliper Disassembly | 5‑11 | |
(C) Master Cylinder Disassembly | 5‑12 | |
(D) Brake Inspection and Repair | 5‑13 | 5‑14 | |
(E) Brake Assembly | 5‑15 | 5‑16 | 5‑17 | 5‑18 | |
Front Fork | 5‑19 | |
(A) Removal and Disassembly | 5‑20 | 5‑21 | |
(B) Inspection | 5‑22 | |
(C) Assembly | 5‑23 | |
Steering Head | 5‑24 | |
(A) Adjustment | 5‑25 | |
(B) Removal | 5‑25 | 5‑26 | |
(C) Inspection | 5‑27 | |
(D) Assembly | 5‑27 | 5‑28 | |
Swingarm | 5‑29 | |
(A) Free Play Inspection | 5‑30 | |
(B) Removal | 5‑30 | |
(C) Inspection and Lubrication | 5‑31 | 5‑32 | |
(D) Assembly | 5‑33 | |
Rear Shock Absorber | 5‑34 | |
(A) Removal | 5‑35 | |
(B) Inspection | 5‑36 | |
(C) Installation and Adjustment | 5‑37 | |
Cable and Fittings | (A) Cable Maintenance | 5‑37 |
(B) Throttle Maintenance | 5‑38 | 5‑39 | |
Shaft Drive | (A) Troubleshooting | 5‑40 | 5‑41 | 5‑42 | 5‑43 | 5‑44 | 5‑45 | 5‑46 |
(B) Final Gear Removal | 5‑47 | |
(C) Gear Lash Check and Adjustment | 5‑47 | 5‑48 | |
(D) Final Gear Disassembly | 5‑49 | 5‑50 | 5‑51 | |
(E) Final Gear Assembly | 5‑52 | 5‑53 | 5‑54 | 5‑55 | 5‑56 | 5‑57 | 5‑58 | |
Drive Shaft | (A) Removal | 5‑59 |
(B) Inspection | 5‑59 | |
(C) Installation | 5‑60 | |
Electrical System [Top of page] | 6‑a | 6‑b | |
XV750SE Wiring Diagram | 6‑2 | 6‑3 | |
Electric Starting System | 6‑4 | 6‑5 | |
Starting Circuit Operation | 6‑6 | 6‑7 | |
Starter Motor | 6‑8 | |
(A) Removal | 6‑9 | |
(B) Inspection and Repair | 6‑9 | 6‑10 | |
Starter Relay | (A) Inspection | 6‑11 |
Starting-Circuit Cut-Off Relay | (A) Inspection | 6‑12 | 6‑13 |
Starter Cut-Out Relay | (A) Inspection | 6‑14 | 6‑15 |
Charging System | 6‑16 | 6‑17 | |
AC Generator and Voltage Regulator | (A) Inspection | 6‑18 |
(B) Battery Inspection | 6‑19 | |
(C) Stator Coil Inspection | 6‑19 | |
(D) Checking the Silicon Rectifier | 6‑20 | 6‑21 | |
Ignition System | 6‑22 | 6‑23 | |
(A) Description | 6‑24 | |
(B) Operation | 6‑24 | 6‑25 | |
(C) Troubleshooting | 6‑26 | 6‑27 | 6‑28 | 6‑29 | 6‑30 | 6‑31 | 6‑32 | |
Lighting System | 6‑34 | 6‑35 | |
(A) Lighting Tests and Checks | 6‑36 | 6‑37 | |
Signal System | 6‑38 | 6‑39 | |
(A) Signal System Tests and Checks | 6‑40 | 6‑41 | |
(B) Flasher Self-Cancelling Unit | 6‑42 | 6‑43 | |
(C) Switches | 6‑44 | 6‑45 | |
(D) Battery | 6‑46 | 6‑47 | |
Appendices [Top of page] | 7‑a | |
Specifications | (A) General Specifications | 7‑1 | 7‑2 | 7‑3 | 7‑4 | 7‑5 | 7‑6 | 7‑7 | 7‑8 | 7‑9 | 7‑10 |
(B) Chassis | 7‑11 | 7‑12 | 7‑13 | 7‑14 | |
Tightening Torque | 7‑15 | 7‑16 | 7‑17 | |
General Torque Specifications | 7‑17 | |
Color Codes | 7‑17 | |
[French] | 7‑18 | 7‑19 | 7‑20 | 7‑21 | 7‑22 | 7‑23 | 7‑24 | 7‑25 | 7‑26 | 7‑27 | 7‑28 | 7‑29 | 7‑30 | 7‑31 | 7‑32 | 7‑33 | 7‑34 | |
[German] Specifications | (A) General Specifications | 7‑35 | 7‑36 | 7‑37 | 7‑38 | 7‑39 | 7‑40 | 7‑41 | 7‑42 | 7‑43 | 7‑44 |
(B) Chassis | 7‑45 | 7‑46 | 7‑47 | 7‑48 | |
[German] Tightening Torque | 7‑49 | 7‑50 | 7‑51 | |
[German] General Torque Specifications | 7‑51 | |
[German] Color Codes | 7‑51 | |
Exploded Diagrams | Cylinder Head/Valve | 7‑52 |
Cam Chain | 7‑53 | |
Crankshaft/Connection Rod/Piston | 7‑54 | |
Transmission | 7‑55 | |
Middle Gear | 7‑56 | |
Frame | 7‑57 | |
Front Wheel | 7‑58 | |
Front Fork | 7‑59 | |
Front Brake Caliper | 7‑60 | |
Rear Wheel/Rear Brake | 7‑61 | |
Rear Shock Absorber | 7‑62 | |
Swingarm | 7‑63 | |
Final Gear/Drive Shaft | 7‑64 | |
Electrical Components | 7‑65 | 7‑66 | |
Lubrication Diagrams | 7‑67 | 7‑68 | 7‑69 | |
Cable Routing | 7‑70 | 7‑71 | 7‑72 | |
Wiring Diagram | 7‑73 | 7‑74 |