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No.: 45  Name: ivan CalendarSigned at: Jan 25th, 2013 at 14:02
hello from me I´m John and I´m from Bulgaria. site is really cool. I bought xv 981 tr1 -82 3 years ago. everything in it´s orginal and I find it very comfortable to ride. I Problems while this year the bike now but I´ll write in your forum. greetings and successful year :-)
No.: 44  Name: Sandro CalendarSigned at: Jan 14th, 2013 at 14:47
Hello Manfred, I´m Sandro from Italy and I´m the owner of a TR1 of 1983. I´m one of the few owners of a TR1 here in Italy; unfortunatly I´ve quite a few problems that I will try to solve. Your web site is very interesting for us appassionate and owners.
Talk with you soon,
No.: 43  Name: Urban Thärn CalendarSigned at: Dec 2nd, 2012 at 21:40
Hello Manfred!
I have just become the owner of a tr1 -81 in good condition.
Your website seems very interesting, especially the forum.
Greetings Urban Tharn / Sweden
No.: 42  Name: Holm Diwok CalendarSigned at: Nov 10th, 2012 at 11:29
Hallo Manfred,

ich habe hier in Afrika eine TR1 gefunden und bin dabei sie wieder auf die Strasse zu bringen.Nach Hilfe suchend bin ich auf Deine HP gestossen und das wird mir hoffentlich bei meinem Vorhaben Helfen.


No.: 41  Name: Bernhard Kost CalendarSigned at: Oct 14th, 2012 at 13:37

ich fahre eine XV 750 SE (seit 1989, Baujahr 1982), die ich nach 12jähriger Standzeit dieses Jahr wieder aktiviert habe, und seit September etwa 1200 km gefahren bin. Auf der Suche nach Informationen zu meiner Maschine im Internet bin ich auf Deine Seite gestoßen und denke, daß ich hier richtig bin.
Ich habe heute leider keine Zeit noch mehr zu stöbern, aber ich denke, daß ich demnächst wieder reinschauen und mich evtl. registrieren werde.

Viele Grüße
No.: 40  Name: Roberto Ferri CalendarSigned at: Sep 25th, 2012 at 16:18
Bellissimo il tuo sito!
Ti scrivo dall´Italia, ho una TR1 del 1982 acquistata nell´86.
Ho trascorso le mie più belle vacanze in sella a questa moto viaggiando per l´italia, la francia e la spagna.
L´ho fatta restaurare ed oggi è ancora più bella di allora.
No.: 39  Name: Roger Iron CalendarSigned at: Sep 3rd, 2012 at 13:13
We, that means first my brother and later myself, ride one of the first TR1 in Germany build in 1981. This TR1 is nearly original up to color and steering. Sorry, we work on that.
I like Often I read on the technical pages as well as on the forum. It´ s always interesting. :-)
No.: 38  Name: Pekka Laukkanen CalendarSigned at: Aug 5th, 2012 at 23:21
I bougth 1981 first tr1,sold it 1987,and now bought similar from Germany again
No.: 37  Name: Tony CalendarSigned at: Aug 3rd, 2012 at 23:09
I have been without a bike for 31 years. Bought a Guzzi cali as donor for for a Triking project this winter. This whet my appetite for a two wheeler. While browsing for a chopper/bobber project next, I came across the TR1. Perfect specification, and your site is FANTASTIC. I cut my teeth at the age of 13 on a 350 Ariel, rigid with girder forks, this is what MY TR1 will replace!!!
Keep up the good site :-)
No.: 36  Name: alex CalendarSigned at: Jul 31st, 2012 at 22:13
Hi Manfred. [Sale offer deleted by Manfred]. Great sight. Thanks for all the info through the years. :-)
No.: 35  Name: Bernd CalendarSigned at: Jul 4th, 2012 at 19:35
A TR1ne in a garage is safe, but that is not what TR1ne is built for! ;-)
No.: 34  Name: Frank Haentschke CalendarSigned at: May 25th, 2012 at 20:42
I´ve had my US-spec 1981 XV920RH since 1985, bought new from the crate (warehouse) and have been a reader of this site off and on for years. Always helps me appreciate such a rare and faithful machine. Just had the engine overhauled and mechanic is looking for final parts which are a bit harder to find over here.

I take it to antique/classic motorcycle shows around here (Washington, DC) and it is more rare than the old Brit bikes! It always draws a crowd.
No.: 33  Name: Dave CalendarSigned at: May 10th, 2012 at 21:10
Awesome data! Well done, you deserve a medal!
I am between a rock and a hard place. I have the opportunity to buy either a 1983 Seca 900 or 1982 XV920RJ for the same money. The Seca has 27K miles on it and the XV 12K miles on it. What to do, what to do?
No.: 32  Name: Dave Reid CalendarSigned at: Apr 19th, 2012 at 02:38
I haven´t visited this site for a while and I must congratulate you for the new format. I have owned many different motorcycles (Moto Guzzi, Kawasaki, BMW, BSA, Suzuki and Triumph) but my TR1 is my favourite bike of all time - I suppose that´s why I still have one!
No.: 31  Name: Kevin Emery CalendarSigned at: Mar 22nd, 2012 at 21:02
Nice site Manfred. I have been visiting for years, keep up the good work.
I have a few pictures of my bike that I have been working on. I would like to submit them for inclusion in you rgallery. How do I do that?
Note. I will be at the rally this year, driving across from the UK.
Three possibilities. Register yourself at the riders list. There you can upload *one* picture of your TR1 (and from yourself :-) Or you create a gallery somewhere in the web and use one of the two web-links from the riders list to point to it. Or you send me the pictures using e-mail together with a short story. If your bike is not original anymore, it’s a candidate for the gallery. Manfred
No.: 30  Name: Hajue CalendarSigned at: Mar 13th, 2012 at 07:25
Eine wunderbare Internetseite. DANKE! Hat ein solches Moped aber auch verdient!!! :-)
No.: 29  Name: BRENT CalendarSigned at: Mar 2nd, 2012 at 22:14
Love this page and the XV920R/TR1
No.: 28  Name: Ole Hermansen CalendarSigned at: Jan 11th, 2012 at 08:04
I just bought a 1985 TR1 yesterday, it is a machine I wanted to own since I first saw it. I have crawled the net for info about TR1, and this site is probably the best place to go for information and inspiration.
No.: 27  Name: Brenden CalendarSigned at: Dec 31st, 2011 at 23:09
Great site for XV / Tr1 owners i have had my XV1000 RJ since 1985 and still ove the bike and am currently restoring it back to being a day to day rider
No.: 26  Name: Luc Kneepkens CalendarSigned at: Dec 19th, 2011 at 22:48
Nice site ! found real useful content here. Nice to know there are more people who love this simple V-twin concept of Yamaha, no rocket science, just plain air cooled fun. I think Yamaha was thinking larger selling numbers but,.......well you know,...the rest is history.

Anyway like to meet you all (not all at once) lol) on the road ! and please try to keep your bike running for ever.
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