Report from the rally 2000 | 🛑 | 


Millennium rally 2000 information



It was a unbelievable luck that we had sun the whole weekend. Sepp, Piet, Heinze and myself checked the place the weekend before the rally. And it was more a swamp than a camp-ground. We started preparing the place on Thursday, and from that day on we had sun. Wonderful!

This was the first year that we did not plan for a trip in the landscape with all the drivers. Although that the trip last year was very nice. This' year attraction was "The Race". I was told from many people that it has been a real racing atmosphere. I hope that everybody enjoyed it.

Here are some great pics from Birgit . Thanks!

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Saturday evening, the rock-band Yellow Shark played for around two hours. Most songs they played have been their own compositions. The last two songs have been two old and very well-known mainstream rock-oldies. Although they played very well and gave their best, the audience only got crazy at the end of their performance, where they played the above mentioned oldies. Some people told us afterwards that this type of music does not fit for a TR1 rally. OK, we learned from that and we plan to have a pure Blues or Country band for next year. Anyway, for the many people who enjoyed their performance, here are the four songs (as MP3) from the CD they sold while playing: In the Absence of Reason / Best Friends gone / What's going on / Hard time. Thanks to Jürgen Feucht (lead singer) for the permission to post the songs. Yellow Shark has their own website. Check it out: (sorry, site is down!).

Food was excellent as every year. Many thanks to our friend Reinhard Gruber , being in charge of all that good things.

Below pictures are from Heiner Häfale ... Many thanks!

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